When it happened, she phoned me and sounded so devastated that I had thought for a moment that we had lost our first born.
I also happen to have a Nexus 5 myself, only that it is bright reddish-orange colour instead of black. I had bought it in spring of last year. I had grown to like it very much, as it had high end features (like high quality camera, high res screen, 16Gb drive space, and the latest Android OS, which was KitKat at that time), but low end price. It really was, and still is the best value for money spent. I liked it so much that I decided late last year to buy my wife a Nexus 5 as well. No, we don't have his and hers personalized towels, slippers and bathrobes, we don't have the same shirts. But we do (or did) have the same phones.
So when she first showed me how FUBAR'd the phone was, my initial thought was, crap, another $400 down the drain! But then I thought, oh GOODY, I get to buy a new phone for myself (because I was going to give her my Nexus 5) !!! Whoo - Hoo!
Then came a new problem - what kind of smartphone should I buy? Well, my initial criteria was that it has to be Android, and it has to comparable to the Nexus5 - I wasn't interested in downgrading my user experience and phone quality. With a bit of research, I came up with 2 candidates - the Nexus 6 and the OnePlus One. Both were pretty decent Android phones.
As I researched the Nexus6 more, I started to have second thoughts about the Nexus6. Sure, it is the latest and greatest from Google, and it is the only current Android phone that is actively sold by Google. And who can argue with the screen size? It's big, it's in your face, and the colour and contrast shines even more on the larger screen of the Nexus 6. However, the Nexus5 fit comfortably in my pants pocket. The Nexus6 with its bigger size? Not so sure any more. I don't have any desire to carry around one of those metrosexual man bags.
After all, I am already carrying my laptop in a bag during my commute to and from work, so that means I'm already carrying a metrosexual man bag!
So in my mind, the bigger screen of the Nexus6, as much as I loved it, meant less practicality. So in the end, I decided not to buy the Nexus6, oh well.
And what about the OnePlus One? I like the build, and I liked the Cyanogen Modded skin on the OnePlus one. I also liked how they accepted Paypal right from their website. Two of my co-workers had bought the OnePlus One a while back, when it first came out. I spoke with them to get their thoughts on their experience with the OnePlus One. One of them complained about the random glitches in the phone, like call sound volume suddenly would be very quiet, random crashes. The other one complained about it being too big. It's bigger than the Nexus5, but not as big as the Nexus6. So I came to conclusion that those were flaws that I could live with. However, when I went back to the website, I discovered that the OnePlus one was no longer available for purchase!
After all that deliberation, I decided to get the Samsung Galaxy S5. The S5 cost about the same price as the OnePlus One on Craigslist, but the S5 had more features. Little things like fingerprint scanner and face recognition to keep the screen active made the difference in favour of the Samsung GS5. Plus ,the one that I had found also came with a car charger as an added bonus.